Vida social
09 April 2024

Lira estaba correteando y jugando suelta por un parking del centro de Alcoy. Jugaba con todo el mundo, no llevaba chip ni collar.

Lira es una perra de tan solo un año que como tantos ha sido abandonado, quizás, por haberse hecho demasiado grande.

Es una perra muy buena, simpática, juguetona y con mucha energía. Le encanta que juegues con ella y sobre todo que le hagas mimitos y caricias. Lira necesita un hogar para volver a confiar en las personas y saber que no la van a volver a abandonar.

16 October 2023

Mucho miedo y desconfianza tenía Lolo cuando entró en el albergue.

Lo encontraron por la carretera, estaba lleno de heridas, suponemos que de alguna valla donde podía estar encerrado.

Lolo es un perro joven y como tal tiene mucha energía y vitalidad. Le encanta correr y jugar, pero también es muy cariñoso y sensible.

16 October 2023

Rocky apenas podía andar cuando llegó al albergue. Lo habían abandonado y pasó tres días vagando por las calles de Alcoy buscando su antigua casa,

Es un perro genial, lleno de vitalidad, cariñoso y obediente.

Rocky busca un nuevo hogar y una familia que le demuestre que no todos los seres humanos somos iguales y que podemos quererlo y cuidarlo como él haría con nosotros.

04 October 2023

Trufa estaba sola cerca del puente de Cervantes, llevaba una cuerda como collar, sin chip y con mucho miedo.

Es todavía un cachorro, a sus diez meses ya ha visto el lado malo del ser humano, pero estamos seguros que pronto encontrará un hogar donde la querrán como se merece.

Es una perra simpática y divertida, le encanta jugar con otros perros. Un  poco tímida al principio, pero pasado ese primer momento solo quiere que la acaricien y la quieran.

Trufa es de tamaño medio, pero con mucha energía que, unido a su juventud la hace un remolino.

12 January 2023

A Füjur lo dejaron por la vía verde, llevaba arnés pero ningún tipo de identificación. Él, al final se quedó en una casa durante unos meses, no se dejaba tocar ni coger, pero allí tenía comida y cobijo. Por desgracia no se pudieron quedar con él y tuvimos que traerlo.

Los primeros días era huidizo, temeroso, no se dejaba acariciar y cuando salía a pasear era una odisea devolverlo a la jaula.

Es un perro muy noble y cariñoso, todavía temeroso de las personas, pero un perro tranquilo y bueno. Un animal de tamaño mediano, con muy buen carácter pero, creemos, lo mejor para ambos sería una persona que haya tenido más perros y que sepa cómo tratarlo.

18 May 2022

Tobby came in afraid of men in particular and he was very afraid of other dogs. In a few days he already had many friends to go out and play with and with people he has already lost his fear.

Tobby is a greyhound and podenco mix, he is a large, slender dog. These breeds need to run and play to avoid causing problems at home. He is a good and obedient dog that with a family that gives him what he needs he will be very happy.

18 March 2022

Alma was going with her traveling companion to the Preventorio mountain, later we have known that they had been seen there two days before. They were running and playing, a girl who was walking with her dog took them behind her giving them her snack to our dog shelter.

Alma is great, happy, funny, sociable and very affectionate. She loves to play with other dogs, but she always follows her traveling companion.

She is a dog that, although she is not very big, she has a lot of energy and needs to exhaust it to be calm in a house.

18 March 2022

Estrella, along with her partner, were playing on the Preventorio mountain, later we have known that they had been there for two days. That day a girl who was walking with her dog, giving her her sandwich, took them to the dog shelter.

Estrella is a charming dog, very nice and sociable. She has no problems with other dogs, but she always goes with her friend, sometimes they look like Siamese.

09 March 2022

Kira arrived to the dogshelter because she was wandering along the riverbed. To our surprise, Kira had a chip. After several days we were able to locate the owner and after fining her, she finally abandoned her here.

Kira is a noble and playful dog with people but she is not like that with other dogs, so she couldn’t live in a house with more dogs. She is a very young dog who can make a family enjoy a great companion.

11 May 2019

Someone left our beloved Faro tied to the bridge of the entrance of the dog shelter with a note. The note said his name and his age, no more information. He was one year old when he was abandoned and it was very difficult to catch him.

He has a special character because he has had a sad story. He doesn’t like everybody and he reacts badly with some gestures. He needs an owner who knows how to educate dogs with difficulties and a person who has patience and enough time for him.

He loves playing with the ball and running.

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